This past week the bulk of my time has been spent sanding. Although I am leaving the sculpture textured, I wanted to smooth it out a bit before I finished. Today I applied the first coat of stain (dried pig’s blood mixed with water) and next week, I will begin applying the oil finish.
I have been in contact with the University’s Estates department to discuss the hanging requirements, and once the paperwork has been passed throughout the programme director’s office, they will be installing an anchor point in the ceiling. I am ordering up some natural hemp rope, and will use it to bind his ankles together and hang him from the ceiling.
The paintings are coming along and I am working on the best way to display them. I am considering mounting them to slightly smaller pieces of hardboard and hanging them using french cleats. This will place them off the wall by about .75 inches, effectively creating an unframed shadowbox effect.
As part of the publications team, the group coordinating the catalogue, I am working with Jake, Emma, Rachel and Stephen to decide on the look and feel of the degree show publications. The show will be called Masters of the Multiverse and in a meeting with the PR group, we chose to make our logo inspired by the 80’s movie version of the Masters of the Universe. I created the logo in Illustrator Friday afternoon.
Finally, I am also working on a book that will hopefully be available at the show. I plan on using the images I’ve made to illustrate the Norse myth the Mead of Poetry. Although the images are abstract, I am finding that many of them are shapes and compositions that can be interpreted as illustrations. I’m finding it interesting to choose the images that go on each page and I wonder if people will see similar things to what I see. I expect the the juxtaposition with the text will help to inform the viewer’s mind what they are “supposed” to be seeing. At any rate, it is an interesting experiment if nothing else. I expect I will test it on some poor unsuspecting people before publication and determine if it works well enough to spend the money on printing. Time will tell.
And here are today’s obligatory photos: