Next Monday, 1 April, is the due date for our semester two portfolios, so I need to complete all my projects this week. It’s likely that we will be locked out of our studios on the weekend (that’s what the they did last semester), so Friday is the deadline I am shooting for.
I spoke with Kenny, my tutor, Monday and he gave me a good idea on both what to expect and how to set up. I welded up some stands to display my masks on and now need to create the mount-points in the masks themselves. Last week I had the photos for my zoo project printed and I spent some time mounting them on foam core so I can display them on the walls of my studio alongside the masks.
So this week I need to do the following:
- Create mount points in masks so they can sit on stands.
- Finish masks – matte varnish or leave as is?
- Clear out my studio so I can set up for assessment.
– remove tables
– take current photos off walls
– move elephant mask
– clean shelf and display molds/prototype masks or remove them
– remove/hide supplies - Hang new photos on walls
- Secure stands and display masks
- Create folder of documentation: references, options, choices, etc.
And that, I think will be that.