Toward the end of the month,  I will be among a group of ECA students who will be assisting and participating in the Huntly Hairst, an annual harvest festival in the village of Huntly, up north in Aberdeenshire.
There will be around fifteen of us and we’ll be in three groups. The idea is that one group will be helping with the games, another with the food and the third with the cider (in association with Thistly Cross Cider).
We will be working primarily with Deveron Arts, a local, contemporary arts organization that is a major sponsor of the festival. The festival will tie in to their current project with Simon Preston, The Town is the Menu. Simon is currently working “with local people to unearth Huntly’s food identity and to create and adopt a Signature Menu for the town”.
We’ve had only one meeting on this so far, and it is still very sketchy. More meetings are coming up, so stay tuned.
Some images of Huntly: