So, the degree show opened with two previews– the Business View on Thursday and the Friends and Family preview on Friday. Thursday’s preview went well, although there was very little feedback from the attendees. Since many of us had no business contacts to invite, we knew very few, if any, of the people who came. It also seemed the viewers were less interested in the artwork and more interested in the open bar (aside: bottles of Heineken and cheap white wine does not a reception make).
The Friends and Family preview was fantastic. Great crowds and lots of questions and interest. I’m posting this Saturday afternoon while invigilating and we seem to have a very consistent flow of viewers through the galleries. there appears to be between 5 and 10 people in the room at any given time, and this has kept up pretty steadily.
The show is open until 1 June and we will be invigilating it, as well as the Print Portfolio show at the Embassy, in shifts until it closes. Stop by and see it if you can.
Now on to photos. This first batch was take during setup…
This next batch were taken just prior to the opening or just as last minute preparations were being done….
And finally, some photos of the show itself, including things outside the MFA galleries. Thanks to Al Hutchinson for being my roving photographer…
Bonus photos: after the show closed we hung around the HUB, our little art shoppe, for a wee bit…