The Fleming Collection has offered to host an exhibition of Artworks from the Edinburgh College of Art MFA programme at their Gallery during Frieze week 2013. Students interested in this opportunity would create new artwork in response to the Fleming Collection. They would also be expected to respond to the wider themes of Adaptation and Identity within the context of contemporary society and culture. The Fleming Collection will also provide coverage of the exhibition in their publication Scottish Art News as well as offering a seminar to participating artists on the London Art Market.
In November of 2012, the MFA students received a brief from one of our tutors, Kenny Hunter, who worked with Selina Skipwith the curator of the Fleming Collection to give us this opportunity.
The application deadline was 29 March, and I managed to submit a work, along with 44 others. In total, there were 45 submissions. 21 works were selected by Selena Skipwith and Stuart Bennet (head of the College of Art) to be in the exhibition.
Mine was one of them. I am really quite thrilled to be selected to participate in this show.
We meet next Friday to discuss the exhibition, which opens on 15 October 2013 at the Fleming Collection.
I am rather in a kerfuffle. I will post photos of my submission soon and post any information of interest as I know it.